Pumpkin Carving Contest

Pumpkin Carving Contest Coming up! It will be a Scarily Fantastic Fun Time! Carve your pumpkin into these one or more of these categories. Send us a note saying you would love to enter. I can come by take a picture. Upload them to our Facebook page for official Neighborhood voting!! Voting will start October 24th

Scariest, Funniest, The most Gross, Under 10….

There Will be a Prize.. For voted best over all…. And best Under 10….

Willow Bluffs Community Yard Sale This Saturday 9/29/18

The Willow Bluffs Community yard sale has been rescheduled to this Saturday 9/29/18.

Yard sale signs will be placed at the entrances and multiple ads have been place on CraigsList as well as other websites. If you plan on participating please put signs up to direct traffic to your house.

This time we will be using the Yard Sale Treasure Map App that will help direct traffic to your house.  If you plan on participating please send your address to  willowbluffssocial@gmail.com or use our Contact Form to let us know.

Willow Bluffs Neighborhood Yard Sale Saturday 9/15/18

The Willow Bluffs neighborhood yard sale is Saturday 9/15/18. Yard sale signs will be placed at the entrances and multiple ads have been place on CraigsList as well as other websites. If you plan on participating please put signs up to direct traffic to your house.

This time we will be using the Yard Sale Treasure Map App that will help direct traffic to your house.  If you plan on participating please send your address to  willowbluffssocial@gmail.com or use our Contact Form to let us know.

For More Information About Yard Sale Treasure Map See Below

Google Play Store          Apple Store


Willow Bluffs HOA Annual Members Meeting

Thank you for everyone that attended the 2018 Annual HOA meeting.  Enough members showed up to establish quorum so a reschedule is not necessary this time.  For those who could not attend please be on the lookout for future newsletters and use the website for information.

As mentioned in a previous post Lore Owen’s term ended as Vice President and she will not be returning.  Eric Renken has been voted as the new Vice President.  Three new board members were also elected last night.  Mike Dale will serve as the newly elected Architectural Chair.  Rob Nissen and Audie Dale will serve as members at large.

The Homeowner’s Association Section has been updated to reflect all changes.  As always if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via email at board@willowbluffs.com.